First real Post

Hi, Hello, and Welcome <3

I’ve wanted to have a blog/vlog/social presence in some way for a VERY long time. (I tried to make it big on Tumblr if that tells you just how long). But I never truly had a direction to go in or a voice of my own. Everything I tried to create was just a cheap knock off of someone else’s page and work. This week though, I finally found my direction, and it’s based in aggressive honesty and vulnerability and (hopefully - again) relatability. It’s based on the things we deem essential to our day. For me, it started with What’s In My front seat - the items I throw into the passenger side front seat of my car every time I leave the house. In other words, the stuff I need to get through my day. Some days I won’t go anywhere and that content will be more along the lines of: What’s In My… makeup bag or purse or Goodwill haul or Pinterest feed.

Ultimately, I want (as all content creators do) to build a community. I want to know what you keep in your front seat or makeup bag or Pinterest feed. I want to know about your life. I want to learn from you and (hopefully - again again) you can learn a thing or two from me too.

The Weekend

Go out to eat by yourself some time. I promise you it is actually so amazing. People watch, read a book, scroll tiktok the whole time for all anyone cares. Just stuff your face and relax. It’s phenomenal. Do not, however, see “Steamed Pork Buns (5)” on the menu and think “hey that’s a totally reasonable amount of steamed buns for one person to eat in addition to 2 whole sushi rolls.” Because I promise you, it is entirely too much.

Today is Valentine’s Day AND my Mother-In-Law’s birthday so of course red velvet cupcakes and heart shaped macarons are high up on the essentials list for the afternoon. It also meant that a night out with my husband was at the top of the essentials list for the evening.

And because of that… Come Saturday morning, my hangover recovery mocktail was a must. She is very pretty in all of her coconut water, cranberry juice, and a pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt glory. Throw it in a cute cup with some crushed ice and * muah * chef’s kiss.

And to top off the healing, what better hangover cure is there than buying a new pair of boots? Let me tell you… that was such a fun experience. Everyone at the Tecovas store was actually so cool AND when you buy boots in store, you can get them branded for free which is so fun. I got my initials on the pull strap of my left one and then asked for hearts on the heels of each. Listen… I almost cried when the girl did the first heart and it was a lil wonky. It was “fine” but I had literally just spent almost $400 on boots for the brand to not even be perfect. TO BE CLEAR - It was not her fault. She did warn me that the heart on the heel was super difficult to get perfect because of the size and curve of the heel and bleh bleh bleh, but I was being cutesy. Okay? I wanted the hearts and no one was going to convince me otherwise. The second she showed me, my heart literally sank and I was so upset. I smiled politely and thanked her (as one with social anxiety does). The next one was actually really really pretty and clean but the damage was done, y’all. Before we even left the store I was googling how to remove a brand from leather. My incredible husband spent the next morning steaming the heels of the boots which actually helped a lot and then he ordered and applied a leather grease too. They are so much better now. You can still see the hearts, but they’re not SO obvious so you’d have to really look to see the wonky one so they’re basically perfect. No one would even know if I wasn’t actively on the internet telling everyone about it (lol whoops).

ps. As I’m sitting here typing this, my husband is brushing the boots down with a horse hair brush to make sure all of the grease got worked in properly. I have worn them literally one time. They’re gonna stay fresh as heck if he keeps treating them like this.

See You Next Time

I’ll be honest here, guys. I have no idea how many words are like a good amount for a post. I’m sure some posts will be super long and some will be crazy short. Let me know what you prefer!


Nashville Planning


Day 1