Day 1

Well everyone, I finally did it. I started a blog. I feel like this is quite possibly the most cliche opening I could come up with… “Gosh darn it she’s done it!” Let’s just hope for all of our sakes that my writing skills improve as my content list grows. 

Let’s talk a little bit about what to expect here. Yeah? Okay, so basically the goal, as it is with most online platforms, is community. The idea for this blog came to me on a very scattered Thursday morning. Rushing out the door to get my son to school on time (or at least close to it) and myself into the gym before I had to sit down for “regular” work. I was literally throwing anything and everything we could need for the day into the passenger seat. I’m talking: a protein shake, water bottles, jackets, a couple pairs of shoes, a backpack, a purse, a stuffed axolotl… just the essentials (you get it). And it got me thinking about how much the things we deem essential really tells about us AND how curious I was about what other people throw in their passenger seats. Something I’ve learned to embrace recently is that if you are curious about something, someone else is too, but will they ask about it or just continue being curious? 

To save you all from having to ask, I’m just going to give you the information. 

I spent the rest of the day planning… scheming, if you will… to start this blog.

Step 1: Text my husband and sisters for confirmation that this is even a good idea that people will care about.

Step 2: Ramble on about anything and everything (record the ramblings of course - I have the memory of a goldfish, okay?)

Step 3: Panic. Change my mind about every writing anything that anyone else would read.

Step 4: Eat Chick-Fil-A (sponsor me, babes).

Step 5: Just write. 

That’s where I am now. It’s been 4 days since I came up with this blog idea and I am speed typing everything that happened over the last few days so I don’t forget. And of course, when I need to remember all the details, I have an exciting and busy weekend full of things to remember. (Don’t worry. I took lots of pictures.)

I really would love for this to be natural. Very me. Like we’re having a conversation. A very monologue-y… One sided… Mildly annoying (for you) conversation. But a conversation all the same. I’m typing how I speak, so if you hate my writing, just keep that to yourself. I will cry.

Thanks for coming on this journey with me <3 I think we’re gonna have lots of fun.

Tata for now <3

(p.s. I’ll learn how to type hearts I hope)


First real Post