Spring Cleaning To Do

I honestly just feel like if I clean everything and start fresh, I will finally be able to finish decorating/designing my house the way I want to. I swear I’ve been just moving things around from one spot to the next for 2 years and still don’t feel like a lot of the things we have in our home truly belong. Last year we did a big exterior Spring “Painting” where we repainted our patio table and chairs, firepit, fence, etc. It was so nice to create a useful and comfortable outdoor space for the Summer because we spent SO much time outside. This year, however… we are so busy and will, unfortunately, be spending a lot of time indoors so I really want to start fresh and clean in here. It’s honestly going to be more of a Spring Decluttering than anything because we’re always cleaning already, but I’m so ready.

Let’s start with the spaces I’ve already finished:

Primary Closet
That one was SO necessary. Very happy she is done. It was sheer chaos before.

My Car
Also was very necessary. And I added a couple small storage things to my car to support the longevity of the clean.

Up next on the list is:

Primary Bedroom
This one is actually like 60% done because I already started it, but it’s also a never ending clean tbh.

Son’s Bedroom
Listen… okay… He’s 5 and refuses to sleep without a mess on the floor. He says “clean floor is just SO boring”. Sir… please. So the goal for this room is primarily a clothing and toy clean out. Go check my local Goodwill soon for lots of toys and toddler clothes lol

This one might be the death of me. I did a full wipe down of everything when we moved into this house before putting our dishes in the cabinets, but I don’t think I’ve cleaned in the cabinets since then. I’ve wiped the faces of course, but they could also use a really good, full on scrub down SOON. The kitchen is definitely gonna have to wait for the perfect storm of circumstances. I’m talking… a 75 degree, sunny day with a light breeze, windows and doors open, music blasting on every Alexa in the house, take EVERYTHING out of the kitchen, scrub her, and put it all back AND THEN order pizza for dinner for the next week because no one will be allowed in that room ever again.

I would love to hear what’s on your Spring Cleaning list.

Until next time <3


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